About us (C-hi siamo)

C-nior pastry is a place for Sweet and Italy lovers, it is the first pastry shop that offers authentic Italian pastry in Egypt.

The founder, C-nior Seif Saad, is a passionate about food and Italy. It all started during his tourism management master studies in Italy, when he has fallen in love with Italian sweets with his daily cappuccino on the banks of the Arno river with a view of Florence's art and Michel Angelo’s finest pieces, Italian sweets that he never tasted in Egypt, then the idea to bring that nice experience back home to Egypt started with a promise to make authentic Italian sweets available and giving the customers an experience they would previously only find by traveling to Italy.

C-nior pastry is not only affected by the sweets of Florence but also by the artistic lifestyle and the way it affects Florentines in the way of crafting their work, especially their sweets.